panting hart music
concert scrapbook, pg 5
(Click on images for larger versions)

JKD impromptu concert for students and

jammin' on the Martin Backpacker with

Delaware Valley Science Fairs director,

Henry Disston and 2009 team member,

Moyukh Chatterjee after the

International Science and Engineering Fair

 in Reno, Nevada- May 2009


click image to enlarge

go to


  Motherless Child

Dedication Ain't No Grave Love's Redeeming Work Is Done

Real Player*



Dedication Ain't No Grave Love's Redeeming Work Is Done

New CONCERT VIDEOS from the Mission Teens Christian

Drug Rehabilitation Center Picnic in Norma, NJ-- June 2010)

*downlaod a free copy of RealPlayer

"Thanks John for coming to the DeBows Coffee House in Jackson

last Saturday night. You are a very talented musician.

You were an inspiration to me personally. Please come back . . .

May the Lord continue to bless your ministry. God has gifted you and

He is glad that you are spreading His love through music."

Pastor Betty Gibbons, DeBows UMC Coffeehouse, Jackson, NJ, June 2010

Many Thanks to The Burlington Center Mall and their amazing

MALL MINISTRY. Together they have provided many opportunities

for our live performances over the years. This Picture was taken by them

during a concert in August 2011.

"Thank you for the inspiring CD (Live at the Cup of Grace Coffeehouse).

I listened to it 2x's on the way home. Have a great weekend!"

Renee- a concert-goer at Ocean Grove Boardwalk Pavilion, July 2012

"How I enjoyed the opportunity to hear you sing at the

7 Steps to Freedom event. Please know how much I appreciate

your contribution to our event. I wish you continued success in

your ministry. With Gratitude, Kathy Mills"

-event planner on June 1, 2013 at MLK Park

in Salem, NJ for




1: 1997-2000/2: 2001-2003/3: 2001-2005/4: 2006-2009/6: 2012-2016/

7: 2017-2019/8: 2019-2021/9: 2021/10: 2021-2023/11: 2023-











